Monday, September 28, 2009


  • 10.0 (Masterful): "It doesn't get any better than this..."
  • 9.5 to 9.9 (Incredible): "Without a doubt, these are must-own titles that stand at the top of their field."
  • 9.0 to 9.4 (Outstanding): "'s a worthwhile experience with just a few imperfections."
  • 8.5 to 8.9 (Great): "An excellent gaming experience that misses the boat in just a few key areas..."
  • 8.0 to 8.4 (Impressive): "...they're still a heck of a lot of fun and should appeal to most enthusiasts."
  • 7.5 to 7.9 (Good): "...they're still entertaining enough to provide genuine entertainment while they last."
  • 7.0 to 7.4 (Decent): "...they still boast enough credible ingredients to make them fun in smaller doses."
  • 6.0 to 6.9 (Passable): "Rent these games or download the demo first before spending your hard-earned money on it."
  • 5.1 to 5.9 (Mediocre): "...only diehard fans of the particular genre will get any enjoyment out of middling games like these."
  • 5.0 (Meh): "...the epitome of "middle of the road."
  • 4.0 to 4.9 (Poor): "'ll probably find yourself returning to the store for a refund."
  • 3.0 to 3.9 (Bad): " know you have some major suckage going on."
  • 2.0 to 2.9 (Terrible): "Maybe the cat could find some use for them."
  • 1.0 to 1.9 (Abysmal): "The absolute worst of the worst."
  • 0.1 to 0.9 (Worthless): "Okay, so we lied....We think of them as sewage in a box."
  • 0.0 (WTF?): "Run far, far away and never look back."


Vijay said...

IGN-imagine games network

Athith- The KIA said...

This is how IGN reveiws the computer games. it is how the games are rated in the scale of 0-10

Moontails said...

IGN game ratings!
And nkob,shadeslayer==moontails, so if u can update my all my scores to moontails??

pysudhir said...

our GPA system :)